Atomistry » Bromine » PDB 3x41-4alu
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Bromine in PDB, part 22 (files: 841-880), PDB 3x41-4alu

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Bromine (Br) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Bromine atoms. PDB files: 841-880 (PDB 3x41-4alu).
  1. 3x41 (Br: 8) - Copper Amine Oxidase From Arthrobacter Globiformis: Product Schiff- Base Form Produced By Anaerobic Reduction in the Presence of Sodium Bromide
    Other atoms: K (2); Cu (2); Na (2);
  2. 3x42 (Br: 8) - Crystal Structure of Copper Amine Oxidase From Arthrobacter Globiformis in the Presence of Sodium Bromide
    Other atoms: K (2); Cu (2); Na (2);
  3. 3zd5 (Br: 2) - The 2.2 A Structure of A Full-Length Catalytically Active Hammerhead Ribozyme
  4. 3zj8 (Br: 2) - Crystal Structure of Strictosidine Glucosidase in Complex with Inhibitor-2
  5. 3zkr (Br: 22) - X-Ray Structure of A Pentameric Ligand Gated Ion Channel From Erwinia Chrysanthemi (Elic) in Complex with Bromoform
  6. 3zoz (Br: 1) - The Structure of Human Phosphoglycerate Kinase with Bound Bromide, A Stimulating Anion.
    Other atoms: F (3); Mg (2);
  7. 3zps (Br: 1) - Design and Synthesis of P1-P3 Macrocyclic Tertiary Alcohol Comprising Hiv-1 Protease Inhibitors
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  8. 3zpt (Br: 1) - Design and Synthesis of P1-P3 Macrocyclic Tertiary Alcohol Comprising Hiv-1 Protease Inhibitors
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  9. 3zpu (Br: 1) - Design and Synthesis of P1-P3 Macrocyclic Tertiary Alcohol Comprising Hiv-1 Protease Inhibitors
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  10. 3zrg (Br: 7) - Crystal Structure of Rxlr Effector PEXRD2 From Phytophthora Infestans
  11. 3zrl (Br: 2) - Identification of 2-(4-Pyridyl)Thienopyridinones As Gsk-3BETA Inhibitors
  12. 3zwx (Br: 8) - Crystal Structure of Adp-Ribosyl Cyclase Complexed with 8- Bromo-Adp-Ribose
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  13. 3zwy (Br: 8) - Crystal Structure of Adp-Ribosyl Cyclase Complexed with 8- Bromo-Adp-Ribose and Cyclic 8-Bromo-Cyclic-Adp-Ribose
  14. 406d (Br: 8) - 5'-R(*Cp*Ap*Cp*Cp*Gp*Gp*Ap*Up*Gp*Gp*Up*(Bro) Up*Cp*Gp*Gp*Up*G)-3'
  15. 421d (Br: 1) - 5'-D(*Tp*Tp*Cp*Tp*Tp*(Bro)Cp*Tp*Tp*C)-3', 5'- R(*Gp*Ap*Ap*Gp*Ap*Ap*Gp*Ap*A)-3'
  16. 430d (Br: 1) - Structure of Sarcin/Ricin Loop From Rat 28S Rrna
    Other atoms: Mg (9);
  17. 458d (Br: 1) - Dna Minor-Groove Recognition of A Tris-Benzimidazole Drug By A Non-Self-Complementary at-Rich Sequence
  18. 459d (Br: 1) - Dna Minor-Groove Recognition of A Tris-Benzimidazole Drug
  19. 474d (Br: 4) - A Novel End-to-End Binding of Two Netropsins to the Dna Decamer D(Ccccciiiii)2
  20. 4a30 (Br: 1) - Crystal Structure of Leishmania Major N-Myristoyltransferase (Nmt) with Bound Myristoyl-Coa and A Pyrazole Sulphonamide Ligand
    Other atoms: Cl (3);
  21. 4a3b (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 4NT Dna-Rna Hybrid
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  22. 4a3c (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 5NT Dna-Rna Hybrid
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  23. 4a3d (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 6NT Dna-Rna Hybrid
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  24. 4a3e (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 5NT Dna-Rna Hybrid and Soaked with Ampcpp
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  25. 4a3f (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 6NT Dna-Rna Hybrid and Soaked with Ampcpp
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  26. 4a3g (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 2NT Dna-Rna Hybrid
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  27. 4a3i (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Binary Complex with Dna
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  28. 4a3j (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 2NT Dna-Rna Hybrid and Soaked with Gmpcpp
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  29. 4a3k (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 7NT Dna-Rna Hybrid
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  30. 4a3l (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 7NT Dna-Rna Hybrid and Soaked with Ampcpp
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  31. 4a3m (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Initial Transcribing Complex with A 4NT Dna-Rna Hybrid and Soaked with Ampcpp
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  32. 4a93 (Br: 1) - Rna Polymerase II Elongation Complex Containing A Cpd Lesion
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Zn (8);
  33. 4a98 (Br: 10) - X-Ray Structure of A Pentameric Ligand Gated Ion Channel From Erwinia Chrysanthemi (Elic) in Complex with Bromoflurazepam
    Other atoms: F (10);
  34. 4abf (Br: 1) - Fragments Bound to Bovine Trypsin For the Sampl Challenge
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Ca (1);
  35. 4abl (Br: 1) - Human PARP14 (ARTD8, BAL2) - Macro Domain 3
  36. 4acf (Br: 6) - Crystal Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Glutamine Synthetase in Complex with Imidazopyridine Inhibitor ((4-(6-Bromo-3- (Butylamino)Imidazo(1,2-A)Pyridin-2-Yl)Phenoxy) Acetic Acid) and L- Methionine-S-Sulfoximine Phosphate.
    Other atoms: Mg (24); Cl (6);
  37. 4ack (Br: 4) - 3D Structure of Dotu From Francisella Novicida
  38. 4aje (Br: 4) - Rat Ldha in Complex with 2-(4-Bromophenoxy)Propanedioic Acid
  39. 4ajh (Br: 2) - Rat Ldha in Complex with N-(2-Methyl-1,3-Benzothiazol-6-Yl)-3-Ureido- Propanamide and 2-(4-Bromophenoxy)Propanedioic Acid
  40. 4alu (Br: 1) - Benzofuropyrimidinone Inhibitors of Pim-1
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:23:36 2025

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